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Administrative Services

The Administrative Services Section is managed by Assistant Chief Josh Livermore.  Administration is responsible for finances (budget development, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, accounting, etc.), human resource management (personnel files, payroll liabilities, benefits coordination, hiring and promotional processes, policy development and administration, and disciplinary processes), and finally clerical staff with duties that include records retention, public information, public records requests, etc.  All administrative staff is assigned to the administration building at our main campus on the Deuce of Clubs.

Financial work, including budgeting, accounting, and fiscal planning is conducted in partnership with the District’s third-party Finance Director. This process includes regular interaction, both in person and remotely, with the financial firm James Vincent Group and has provided the District a level of financial expertise and oversight that would not be affordable for the District otherwise. Additionally, the third-party financial oversight has resulted in greater accountability and internal controls to ensure the public’s money is well accounted for and spent wisely. The District has taken steps to far exceed the minimum financial reporting and internal controls required by law. In 2018 the Fire District completed its first Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) which is not required of fire districts in Arizona but is common among other forms of local government. These efforts have led to the Fire District being recognized by the Government Finance Officers Association for excellence in financial reporting.

The Administration Offices for Timber Mesa Fire and Medical District are located at 3561 E Deuce of Clubs, Show Low, Arizona 85901.