The Logistics Section is managed by Assistant Chief Clay Wood. Logistics is responsible for everything other than administrative services and operational deployment and response. There are seven employees assigned to logistics including an administrative assistant, support services supervisor, support services assistant, a fleet services supervisor and two fleet services mechanics.
In Timber Mesa’s five-year history, building the Logistics Section has been one of the most challenging endeavors. None of the previous agencies had formalized logistics processes and each of them had different ways to acquire goods and materials, request repairs to facilities and equipment, maintain their respective information technology systems, etc. In an organization that spans more than 240 square miles, with 10 facilities and 40 apparatus, the logistical needs at Timber Mesa are significant to say the least.
Within the Logistics Sections are two specific groups; support services and fleet services. Support services responsibilities include ordering, receiving, and distributing all the materials and supplies necessary in the District. Additionally, support services manages the warehouse, facilities maintenance, information technologies, communications, and any contracted services required by the District.